I LOVE Facebook!  If you are not a member, you really can’t understand what I mean, but if you are you will understand.  

I have found a whole group of friends that I thought was long gone.  You know, the people in your life that were wonderful and fun and changed who you are, but when you leave college or high school, or that first job, or your sorority, they are gone.  Forever a part of your life, but not a part of your daily living.

Silly as it sounds, I have been able to add those people back into my life.  I have found people who have meant the world to me, and I have found those people who don’t even know how much they changed me.  And it doesn’t take much to get a peek into their worlds again.  Some of their wall entries (sorry, Facebook lingo!) are serious and full of concern, some of them are silly and fun.  Some are inspiring, some are gross!  All of them are a wonderful way of sharing themselves as they are living their lives today, this moment.

For those of you who are on Facebook, please send me a friend request!  I would love to peek into your world, too!

And when you come in for a session, I will provide you with an image for your facebook page.  Normally, there is a $25 usage fee, but if you keep my logo as part of the image, I will let you use it for your profile picture at no charge!  I love to share the images we capture together, and I love that you want to share them with your friends, both near and far.

One caution… It can SUCK YOU IN!  So, budget your Facebook time, and I will, TOO!

Enjoy!  Cindy

About amomentcaptured

Artist of Photography, Painting, and the Written Word. Above all, I love the people I choose to be a part of my life, and I want life to be fun and happy.
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